Operations &

Space Planning

Master Plan

Plan to optimize Mesa County services to its residents and management of its real estate assets.
Mesa County is working on a Mesa County Operations and Space Planning Master Plan Space (the Plan). The purpose of the Master Plan is to optimize the distribution of County services, anticipate future needs, and guide the growth and development of our facilities over the next 10 years.
This website provides information about the planning process, major milestones, progress reports, and other relevant information.DLR Group An integrated design firm, was selected by the County to assist in the planning effort.
Key Components of the Master Plan
  • Evaluation of Space Needs: To accommodate the County’s growth projections and address service adjacencies, the Plan will assess both existing and future space requirements for County facilities.
  • Implementable Recommendations: The Plan aims to provide practical suggestions for enhancing County facilities and services, ensuring they align with the County’s evolving needs. The Plan will ensure that our facilities can effectively support the services the County provides to the community.
  • Impact Analysis: The plan will evaluate the effects of various factors, such as work-from-home arrangements, parking, transformation, and other relevant considerations, to understand their impact on our operations. This analysis will help make informed decisions.
  • Space Optimization: The Plan objective is to develop strategies for efficiently utilizing County-owned and leased properties, maximizing their potential. The County wants to make the most of our resources while delivering quality services to the community.